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Domestic God

I am the Eater of Old Food (except fish) The Shopper of Grocery Sales The Decider of Voting I am the Insect Remover (except bees) I am the Chooser of Music and Video I am the Driver of Vehicles, both night and day I am the Master of Arithmetic Controller of the Remote He Who […]

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No Smoking at the Movies

And beating someone to death is OK?

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What’s the word for when they won’t leave? They haul hunched shoulders around you, trace floor covering patterns with eyes which don’t meet yours anymore. That caused the fighting in the first place and now they feel bad? Terrified you will make them feel this way always now. Into our house for a fortnight; a […]

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The pinprick tacked into your smooth nostril blinds me, like earrings on a baby. So does the shine of your skin and hair. You speak to your toddler son as though he were a disrespectful, cross adult. You coo to the infant daughter you hold in a fleece receiving blanket. The cross words will come […]

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